Music at Grace UMC varies from week to week.

Music is an integral part of our church worship service. The congregation loves singing traditional and new hymns. On any given Sunday, we may have a special solo or feature our pianist or organist. 

 Handbell Choir 

Open group. Reading music is a valuable skill but not mandatory. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the Church Sanctuary. There are currently available positions. We welcome individuals of all ages who are eager to learn. (The group will reconvene on January 21, 2025. We take summers off).

Chancel Choir

This group meets to rehearse for special programs and events only. Rehearsal times are usually Sunday mornings after worship service from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. and are set by the Music Director. Music is moderate to upper-moderate skill level. Everyone is welcome.